Provocations Poems

The following texts are collaborative poems. They are a mash-up of teacher thoughts and reflections inspired by a series of reflective prompts shared with educators across the province. It was a joyful exercise in word play to give some shape and form to the wonderings, metaphors, and insights so generously shared with us. To the fifteen anonymous authors, thank you. We hope you see yourself represented here, alongside your poet peers. Enjoy!

Feeling Community

Rediscovering humanity

Offering shelter

Drawing the circle wide

Moving from tentative to courageous

Dreaming the future

Eating blindfolded at a buffet

Mapping possible journeys

Holding a paintbrush

Inviting silence

Seeing the other

Feeling community

Knowing we matter





Shelter from the Storm

Teaching drama is like…

Guiding water

Or dancing under a tree that is shedding its leaves.

Drama can offer shelter from the storm

It is a journey from the tentative to the courageous.

We dream the future

We touch infinity and nothing, at once.

We rediscover our humanity and ride a roller coaster with the stars.

Let’s unwrap the gifts of drama.

And if you don’t mind, please take your shoes off. Thank you! 

To Feel, to Think, to Reach

Dance is…

A mapping of possible journeys

It is a foreign language that sounds familiar

To dance is

to reach inside a poem

to paint

    to unlock secrets

to feel though your body

to think with your body

Sometimes to dance is to be lost in the woods

Teaching dance is a sharing of my authentic self with my students 

Storied Spaces

Stories need silence

You need to know how deeply to share

And when

You need to be willing to be vulnerable



And exposed

Once you turn on the tap, once you share

The story isn’t yours anymore

When we share stories, we see that we walk amongst humanity’s greatest failures


We learn that we must choose to live among them and grow beyond them

We hear the hurt.

The hardest thing about sharing stories is the fear of being judged. 


Stories are life maps,

Not thumbs or tools or complex thought

They are our collective history



The heart of our relationships with others

Stories are what connects us

Stories are big

Holding Space

To be present

To withhold judgement

To validate our students

To make room for heart connections.


Can we invite silence?

Can we encourage engagement with others?

Can we act locally so we can learn how to act globally?

Can we make space for mistakes?

For growth?

For compassion?

Can we create under any circumstances?